More data

 Hey everyone! 

So after much conversation with Josh, we decided that I can revisit my old research project but add more data to make it more well rounded. My ultimate hope was to be able to measure the levels of Phosphorus in the soil, or in the water that we water the garden with. However, this would require us to fabricate our own sensors and use expensive equipment to test with. 

We might be able to send out samples to have them tested for Phosphorus, or go about it a different way. Also, I will be collecting temperature measurements as well as moisture measurements and comparing weather patterns to try and get a better idea of why the last collection was so minimal. 

I need to also partner with someone from the garden club and find out the watering schedule so that I can work around it since that could have been to blame last time for such low collection numbers. 

Other than that Calculus is going good and we have our Objective 1-4 exam on Wednesday! I always feel like there's more to study, but I have to be OK with the amount of time I have been spending on it cause I study every day to keep my brain active. My Gender & Society class also came on line and that is going to be very interesting. 

Hope everyone is having a great week! :) 

Alex S 

*Attached is a photo of eutrophication which is mainly caused by phosphorus pollution. I get asked about it a lot so I wanted to add a visual! 


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