Busy, busy!

 Hello everyone! 

Had a really great week!  Excited for my potential program in Summer for REU (National Science Foundation) There were some amazing opportunities available online, so I applied to as many as I could that fit my interests.  Dr. Ortiz and myself noticed that some of the tags that were made for the bug pinning from 2020 had some incorrect labeling on them. (my fault) So that was a quick fix today, but the print is so very tiny so it keeps it tedious.  Bug pinning has indeed become my new favorite thing and I enjoy it quite a bit.  I cant wait for late spring so we can start capturing the arthropods.  

Busy as always, and happy for spring break so I can catch up a little. I wish I could reel my hours at the salon back, but alas... I have to make that money since I am moving into a new apartment come the first of summer.  It has added stress, but I am making my way through it.

 Hope everyone has a great weekend! 




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