Day Twenty-nine

     Today was the day when we got to experiment with the recording device. To say I was excited was an understatement. Before that, I finished fashioning the recording enclosure, which I was able to refine and make a more sealed environment. The sound-proofing material Josh ordered was perfect, and the measurements were seemingly exact to ensure no sound penetrated inward from the outside (There still may be room for improvement). Thankfully the recordings from the studio (that Josh captured) did not capture anything between 30,000Hz and 70,000Hz, which is encouraging. Eventually, we will move into the recording studio on campus, but it is by reservation only, which has added minimal complication, but complication nonetheless. We are interested in 30K-70K and not some alternative because this range is much higher than the range you'll hear human-related noises; this range is more suited to capture the cavitation of the plant stems. At this point, I don't have serious reservations. I decided against uploading examples of media files since you really won't be hearing a whole lot until we start stressing the plants. So hopefully, by next week, we will have more data along those lines; here are some photos from today, however!  

    On a personal note, I am definitely going from moment to moment. Lots on my schedule, and although I enjoy a full day, I feel close to my maximum. Come November 10th, my ENG102 class will be finished, and I'll drop back down to 12 credit hours; although it's the less complicated of all my classes, this reprieve will still be welcomed.

Alex B Shaw 


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