Day Fifteen

    So much growth! The pictures do not do it justice—(Listed below are growth averages of each pot)

Plant 1 growth average: Three seeds @ 2.2in
Plant 2 growth average: Two seeds @ 1.8in
Plant 3 growth average: Three seeds @ 1.3 (anomaly present, seed just germination)
Plant 4 growth average: Two seeds @ 2.3in
Plant 5 growth average: Two seeds @ 1.9in
Plant 6 growth average: Two seeds at 1.9in

    Although the water is usually still present in the growing area when I arrive, we decided it is a good idea to switch it out every so often, to keep it free from contamination. I feel good about the shelf being closer to the light then farther away; any farther away and the growth rate would be slower or nonexistent. The plants on the far left are doing the best, and the plants on the far right are the most behind, Id say. This was reflected in my previous growth measurements, however. They are spaced precisely in the middle of the shelf, and the bulb appears consistent. The two on the far left had the two pots about an inch higher (which potentially caught more humidity). Even though pots 1 and 4 were in larger pots, the amount of soil was the same, and the pot's rim was just a little higher. This might have something to do with it. Most of the class is dark when I enter, so I cannot count on lights coming from other angles.  Josh reminded me that we can do a whole separate experiment with growth rates next semester, I think this is a great idea.

    Josh and I have selected our soundproofing material, and Josh also had an excellent idea to contact the music department and inquire if we might be able to reserve the soundproof recording area for the experiment. I like this idea, but I also want to be able to utilize it whenever I want, and I am not sure how that would work with the music studio. We also spoke today about utilizing an EKG for the plants, which would not require harming the plants. We might be able use the echo-location and EKG. 

    I wouldn't say I like the idea of harming plants for no reason, but harming plants for science seems more admissible. This is something I am still contemplating. However, I feel like the plants that are harmed should only be harmed on a minimal scale. I have given it more thought, and I do not think that the plants would try and communicate with a "severed appendage," but with each other, rather. I also thought about the potential of withholding water (this is sad, I know); not enough to kill it, though.  There's still a lot to go over, but I feel closer every week. 

Ending Notes

*Josh and I also spoke about using an empty pot to establish a baseline; I think this is a great idea, as long as we use the same soil and pot. Exciting stuff! 

*I rotated the plants so that they were not curving toward the light source, I'm sure this is because its usually dark in the class, I did not change their positions, just rotated them.  I wanted to alternate positions to try and equal out the growth, but ill save that for whole other experiment.

*Attached are some photos of the growth; as well as a cool photo I took of the D building this morning. Enjoy!


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